The Trick Photography and Special Effects is a newly updated collection of tips and tricks about creating mind-twisting images. images with exact details using your DSLR camera.This e-book shows you an unprecedented array of unorthodox methods to create jaw-dropping images at literally the click of a button.
Note: This is a review, Click here to Go to the Official Trick Photography Book Website
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What is Evan's e-book about?
This ebook helps you to create some awe-inspiring images , which will not only help you to be more creative, but will impress your friends too.
The Trick Photography and Special Effects is basically for every photographer, from beginner to advanced, who wants to create splendid photos with little unknown tricks.
It comes with 295 pages of instruction, 9 hours of how-to video tutorials, and contains over 300 creative photographs created by some of the most talented photographic artists around the world.
Note: This is a review, Click here to Go to the Official Trick Photography Book Website
Is This e-book for you?
Evan will take you by the hand and show how to create radically impressive photos that look more realistic than those poorly done, fake-looking compositions where people take a bunch of different pictures and make a photo collage out of them.
Please don't misinterpret, some of these pieces look excellent, but if you just go to Google Images, steal some pictures and slap it onto another photo you took, it lacks realism, which is what Evan explains we’re going for.
Pros and Cons of the The Trick Photography and Special Effects eBook
Pros :
- Evan provides 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t like it get a refund.
- You get inspired by these ideas and you start thinking some of your own.
- Easy to browse.
- There are many different amazing pictures taking by the Evan to give idea about how to create amazing realistic looking photos.
- Straight forward step by step instructions.
- He doesn’t stress on costly gear. Gives priority to ideas.
- Perfect for every type of photographer.
- People keep admiring your photos.
- Produces interesting photos, not flowers and sunsets.
- He’s a pro himself. That is clearly seen in the product.
- Lots of free bonuses that are extremely valuable.
Some tricks can appear to be easier than they actually are, although a little perseverance and experience goes a long way.
Evan has VERY unorthodox methods, these really are NOT your typical
methods you hear about when it comes to creating and understanding trick
- You sometimes may have to buy small and inexpensive items for some photos. Most of the tricks can be used without buying anything though.
This ebook is only for those that seriously want to improve their
crafting skills and take their photography profession seriously.
Is Trick Photography and Special Effects For You?